- Accepting my humanity
I am a person who has faults, is just like everyone else, I am not above the populous and we are all on the same playing ground in the grand scope of pursuing the fulfilled soul.
- Keeping healthy balance of reality and delusion
“Keep your head in the sky and your feet on the ground,” I remind myself, to stay grounded and balanced between ambition and reality. This is because when the armor of your word is put to the test:
To connect with people on different wavelengths, from those who think abstractly to those who need clear, literal communication, it’s essential to bridge the gap between lofty ideas and straightforward expressions.
- Value time, not money
Everything is in respect to time. I’ve come to understand that time is our most valuable asset. Some of us are worth $10 an hour of life, some $200… etc., but the scale/ resulting value is the hour of time, not the cost.
- Too much mindfulness is a bad thing
second-thinking decisions you make a-lot means your war with your mind. You end up living outside of your body. A healthy sense of pragmatism to the community around you will allow your physical to thrive in reality.
- Your morality is not one size fits all
I prolonged toxic relationships with friends/family for the title of “being the better person”.
Your goodness with people is something you give freely, but if someone keeps dropping the ball with no improvement, don’t fulfill your ego with the placeholder of “but I made sure I never ____” (in my case, stopped speaking to them). Just Leave.
It’s okay to drop a toxic person, it’s okay to hate someone, it’s okay to manage like anyone else does on earth. You’re not going to reinvent the way of human life if religious avatars through time couldn’t get everyone else on board either.
- Don’t think on others behalf
Don’t be frustrated at others people’s choices. If they are hitting their head on drywall, let them be enlightened on their own time.
Don’t convince others the choices they make are wrong or right. Give advice based on if it was you, and it’s their choice to decide such.
The more you try to understand people’s choices and where they don’t make sense, the less time you get living for something else that’s worth it.
- Everyone is dirty
Do not put your expectations of people on a pedestal. You will be disappointed when you see the bad things they do like everyone else.
Essentially, drop all sense of idolatry that puts a human above someone else.
- I don’t hate “books”
I used to hate reading. It was introduced to me wrong my entire life. This all changed when I stopped looking at books as ‘instruction manuals’. Now, they’re a conversation someone is having with me.
Moreover, books are a form of media. It’s like saying someone hates movies. You hate all movies??? You hate every frame in every video? You probably hate CERTAIN movies the way you do books.
- all anger stems from envy
What sparks that tension in your head with resentment and hatred for a person? I had a deep hatred for some of my bullies who I grew up with. But does it spark anger in me that war criminals on TV can’t? As much as I want to deny it, I must be jealous of something. What is it? No idea. I wouldn’t treat someone like shit the way they did. Maybe it’s a resentful envy that they are liked for being that horrible and still receive positivity….
- Your family is human
Eventually, you’ll see your relatives (older family members, elderly, etc.) as people who have their own flaws, disdains, issues, and trauma they live with. You reflect upon how to continue living with them. Some realize that it’s far from your identity and other times you can live with a certain person, you just can’t bring up x y and z with them.
Your family is humans, and humans suck 🙂